Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Groovy Man..... Groovy

Supplies Needed

scrapkit: I used ptu kit "Groovylicious" by
Creative Intentionz
tubes of choice: I used two that come with
the scrapkit that I used.

Let's get started!

1. Open a 600 x 600 white canvas.

2. Copy and paste "clipart 4", resize 125%,
place in middle of tag, and duplicate.

3. Copy and paste "clipart 10", resize 80%,
and place on the right side of the peace
sign, between the two peace sign layers.

4. Copy and paste "clipart 8", and follow the
same instructions as above but place on
the left side.

5. Erase any parts of the tubes that you
don't want showing outside of the peace
Make the top peace sign your active layer
and erase any part where you want the
tubes to show through.

6. Copy and paste "flower 7", resize 25%,
place in the bottom left corner of tag, add
dropshadow, duplicate, and mirror.

7. Using the alpha provided with the kit,
spell out desired text, place at bottom of tag,
and add dropshadow.

8. Copy and paste "stars 6", resize 60%, and
place in top right corner of tag.

9. Copy and paste "bead string 1", resize
40%, place under the very middle star in the
group of stars, erase any part of the staples
that show from underneath the star, merge
the two together, duplicate, and mirror.

10. Copy and paste "butterfly 9", resize
20%, place above the first letter of your text,
duplicate, and mirror.
Merge the two butterflies together,
duplicate, and resize 75%.

11. Add copyright and watermark.
Resize all layers 80%.
Save and you're finished!

tutorial ©Lynnca April 2009
No reproductions in part or in whole are allowed.
You can use my tutorials for challenges
as long as you provide the link only.

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